The OFFICIALunOFFICIAL English Bulldog Mascot

Archive for the ‘bulldogs’ Category

Just The Way You Are

In Animals and Pets, bulldogs, Dog Competitions, Dog Shows, Thats' Life on May 8, 2011 at 8:00 AM

#bullDogNATION’s Sunday BULLY Pulpit

Hello! And to #bullDogNATION’s Sunday BULLY Pulpit! This week:

English bulldog owners, breeders and exhibitors around the world! Lend me your ears! Are you aware changes to the breed standard endorsed by the Kennel Club will become effective March, 2012?

What, specifically are these changes? If you are a bulldog fancier just looking to have one (or two or three) as a furriend companion with no intent to show or breed, you need to decide if the “leaner, longer, less jowly” new bulldog is the Churchillian featured bulldog you may have always envisioned having, and be prepared.

@JanetCrook78: @BaggyBulldogs
I blame the bad breeders out there who are only interested in making money, not making the breed better.

You are correct, Janet. The problem is not with the established breed standard currently in place and that has been the recognized, respected breed standard fur hundreds of years. The problem lies squarely at the feet of the many rogue so called “breeders” (puppy mill operators) who have bartered away a cherished birthright fur a bowl of lentil soup, namely, compromising the health and standards fur the breed for profit.

Reputable breeders zealously oversee the pedigrees of their dogs, restricting their breeding capacity, control their breeding stock and are vigilant about standards fur good health. The Kennel Club’s shocking knee jerk response to the outcries of a small but vocal few, appears to be at the expense of responsible, reputable breeders.

Reputable breeders have already voluntarily taken the lead, regulating themselves by means of the Breed Council Health check. Rogue breeders have NO interest in the breed standard.

They’re breeding not fur the show ring but fur money! There should be a regulating entity to compel these bulldog sellers (and that’s really all they are: carpetbaggers and sellers) to health check their breeding dogs to prevent unhealthy specimens from reproducing.

If the Kennel Club refused to register puppies from unhealthy dogs, disreputable breeders would not be able to command the prices they do or proliferate the market with unhealthy, defected dogs.

Sadly, the Kennel Club sees no incentive to do this. Why? MONEY! The Kennel Club receives hundreds of thousands of dollars annually from English bulldog registrations and transfer of ownership fees!

Kennel Club (KC) recently reviewed all breed standards as a part of Fit For Function, a program created to ensure every dog is fit enough to enjoy it’s life to the full. This program was recently pressed into action in response to the 2008 broadcast of the BBC documentary ‘Pedigree Dogs Exposed.’

The broadcast was a tsunami strike of bad publicity to one of the most prestigious dog shows in the world, Crufts, shinning the welcomed light of scandal on the heretofore highbrow world of pedigree show dogs. The Kennel Club, which runs the prestigious dog show, announced that starting in 2012, at least 15 high-profile dogs will need to be given a clean bill of health from the show’s official veterinarian.

Fit For Function is an effort to both protect the dogs and keep the bad apples from bringing down the sport. “This action will not only protect the reputation of the majority of dog showing people who put the health and welfare of their dogs first and foremost,” said Kennel Club Secretary Caroline Kisko. “It will also continue to encourage improvement within the high profile breeds themselves, ensuring that the healthiest are justly held up as an example for others to follow.”

Fit For Function’s stated mission ‘That every dog, even if its function is solely to be a pet, should be able to see, breathe and walk freely’ apparently fails to recognize the herculean, valiant, honest-hearted efforts of reputable breeders within the bulldog breed community who have already been painstakingly promoting this standard without requiring any change to the established breed standard!

And then there's ThatOne

So now what? Well People could get all emotionally worked up, get political, sign petitions, make loud outcries, but change is gonna come so People get ready! Nothing will stem the tide of these physiological changes. Why?

Because People, Americans especially, have come to expect and even demand more athleticism in bulldogs. They see bulldogs on TV who skateboard and surf and participate in all manner of physical activity.

People themselves are becoming more active and they are transferring these expectations onto their bulldog companions. This is particularly unsettling to me because Bulldogs are lapdogs.

We’re coveted because of our friendly, kind, quiet, docile and calm personalities. We’re not suited fur extremes in heat or cold, or prolonged instances of vigorous activity that can cause us to overheat and possibly even suffer heat exhaustion.

We’re coveted fur our compact, footstool shape and size. The breed standard fur weight is 50-60 lbs fur adults. We stand 12-16 inches at the withers (shoulder) so prolonged periods of running and jumping is stressful and may be even injurious to our bone and joint health.

And our adorabull, pushed in faces are not exactly like those of horses. We don’t have large nostrils or big lungs. We’re not designed fur a lot of heavy breathing. We’re pretty much the laid back, low energy type. But People wanna turn us into Type A agility dogs so… Oh well. We shall all soon see.

So if you’re lookin’ fur a bulldog again and again I say to you: Do Your HOMEWORK. Make sure you’re getting the bulldog you really desire. Make sure it’s really even a bulldog and not an Olde English bulldogge, or a Victorian bulldog or an American bully all of which are wonderful dogs, but they are not English bulldogs. Do Your HOMEWORK and Look before you leap.

And that’s The Sunday Bully Pulpit. This is ThatOne. See you next week.

free music

I said I love you and that’s forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are.

She lubs me just the way I am.

Goodwill energies I project
Upon each and ever one of you
Each and every day

“And there came to be evening and there came to be morning..”

That’s life today!

Beam Me Up, Scotty!

In Animals and Pets, bulldogs, Television, Thats' Life on May 1, 2011 at 8:00 AM

#bullDogNATION’s Sunday BULLY Pulpit

Hello! And to #bullDogNATION’s Sunday BULLY Pulpit! This week:

Hadn’t you ought’a maybe leave a dog at home?

If your dog has mange, please do not bring him or her to a public dog park or a public specialized breed dog meet up or any public function for That matter. Mange is highly contagious. It’s an unsightly and painful condition caused by burrowing mange mites.

A couple years ago, She and I eagerly attended a bulldog meetup. All went well until a woman showed up with her female English bulldog who was not spayed, in heat and who had the worst case of mange I had ever seen in all my years. Pets should not be permitted to mingle with mangy animals or contact premises occupied by them since individual contact is the most important method of transmitting mange.

Stunned, She turned to an attendee standing next to Her and asked “Does that dog have mange?” She then confronted the dog owner who admitted the dog did indeed have mange but with the caveat that hers was of the non-contagious variety.

The dog owner seemed uncertain about which type of mange her dog actually had, however, and when pressed, volunteered she thought her dog had Sarcoptic mange. She, however, could tell the mangy dog owner had no idea on earth what type of mange the dog had. She was not even confident this dog had even seen a vet. But it doesn’t matter: Mange is HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS. PERIOD!

Another attendee with her husband and bulld0g, Pork Chop, overhearing this exchange, immediately spun on their heels and high tailed it outta there and we were hot on their heels. She was livid and frightened and concerned for me. This dog’s mange was not localized and appeared on her face, head and all over her upper body. To add insult to injury, the dog was not spayed and was in heat. This was the second meetup we attended where someone brought their dog out with mange.

As soon as we got home, She ran to Her computer to find out all She could about Sarcoptic mange. She discovered there isn’t just one but three types of mange: Demodectic, Cheyletiella and Sarcoptic. These are caused by different species of mites, tiny eight-legged critters related to spiders. Let’s take a look at each type:

Demodectic Mange

Demodectic mange is caused by Demodex canis, a tiny mite that cannot be seen without the aid of a microscope. This mange strikes puppies from three to 12 months old.

The demodex mite is commonly present in the pores of puppy skin and usually does not cause symptoms. Your vet may not be able to tell you what causes them to activate. These opportunistic mites produce a chemical substance that lowers your dog’s resistance to them making it easy fur them to multiply on their host, your dog!

It’s also possible that some purebred dogs may have a lower resistance to the mites and that stress can trigger an active infestation. In any case, demodectic mange symptoms include thinning of the hair around the eyes and mouth and on the front legs that evolves into patches of hair loss approximately one inch in diameter. This mange may correct itself within three months or may require treatment.

However, demodectic mange can also begin as a localized infestation and develop into a generalized case with multiple hair-loss sites on the dog’s head, legs, and body. This is a far more serious condition and requires veterinary attention. The dog’s skin is sore, crusty, and oozing; the hair follicles are clogged with mites and debris. Treatment is extended and requires bathing in medicated shampoo and application of an insecticide to kill the mites.

Cheyletiella mange

Cheyletiella mange, also known as walking dandruff, affects puppies and is caused by a large reddish mite that can be seen under a magnifying glass. This mange is identified by the dandruff dusting that occurs over the dog’s head, neck, and back.

Walking dandruff is highly contagious but short-lived. It causes mild itching. The mite that causes the mange dies a short time after leaving the host. Bathing or showering with dandruff shampoo is said to help.

Sarcoptic Mange

Sarcoptic mange, also known as scabies, is caused by a microscopic mite. The female mite causes the characteristic intense itching as they burrow under the skin to lay their eggs. The eggs hatch in a few days, develop into adults, and begin laying their own eggs in less than three weeks.

Dogs with scabies dig and bite at themselves with great ferocity. Their skin reacts with oozing sores, and secondary infection may set in, requiring treatment with an antibiotic in addition to treatment for the mites. Unfortunately, the sarcoptic mange mite can be difficult to find in skin scrapings so unless the veterinarian parts the hair and carefully examines the bare skin for the characteristic pin-point bite marks, diagnosis is difficult. Furthermore, the presence of a secondary skin infection can hamper the search for the mite bite marks.

Telltale signs of sarcoptic mange are crusty ear tips, fierce itching, and hair loss, particularly on the ears, elbows, legs, and face in the early stages. Later on, the hair loss spreads throughout the body.

Sarcoptic mange is contagious to canines and humans. If the dogs share sleeping places or if the infected dog sleeps on beds or furniture, everyone will begin scratching. Fortunately scabies in humans is self-limiting because the mite can only burrow under the skin and cause itching. It cannot complete its life cycle on humans and so dies within a few weeks.

Veterinarians now use Ivermectin in two doses, two weeks apart, to kill the mites. They may also prescribe steroids for short-term use to relieve the itching until the mites begin to die off and give the dog some relief. Itching usually begins to subside within a few days of the first dose of Ivermectin.

Canine skin damaged by sarcoptic mange and secondary skin infections can take weeks or months to recover, depending on the scope of the problems. Frequent medicated baths may be necessary to soothe irritated skin.

Mange damage can mimic that caused by other skin conditions, including autoimmune diseases, bacterial infections secondary to flea allergies, and contact dermatitis, making it impossible for the pet owner to diagnose with any success. If your dog suffers from irritated, itchy skin, make an appointment with the veterinarian. Early diagnosis of any of these problems will give you a head start on a cure and will be less of a pain fur your dog and your wallet.

Like Her, you, too, may be unemployed. Alone. Seeking companionship or some occasional association for your bulldog. You may love your bulldog just as much as She does. But in spite of all that, you may not, YOU MAY NOT bring your unhealthy dog to a public dog park and expose it to healthy dogs. YOU MAY NOT do that! YOU MAY NOT do that!

She and I have all the fellow feeling and empathy in the world but She is also a responsible pet owner who expects– no, demands the same from all pet owners.

Please, Please, Please don’t bring your unhealthy, un-spayed, un-neutered, unvaccinated adult dog around healthy, spayed and neutered dogs whose owners have taken their responsibilities seriously and can, upon demand, produce current immunization records.

It’s thoughtless, unloving, inconsiderate and especially unkind for those of us who are really suffering in these unforgiving economic times.

You love your bulldog. We all love our dogs. But in the immortal words of Star Trek’s Mr. Spock:

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”

Goodwill energies I direct
Toward each and every one of you
Each and every day
“And there came to be evening and there came to be morning..”
Ciao!That’s life today!

Up THERE? Down Here!

In Animals and Pets, bulldogs, Children's Literacy, K-12 Education, Love, Music on March 27, 2011 at 8:30 AM

#bullDogNATION’s Sunday BULLY Pulpit

Hello! And to #bullDogNATION’s Sunday BULLY Pulpit where each week we gather together fur the Gospel and the Gossip according to Me! Or you. Come on in. You’re welcome to post your own opinion, pictures or comments on The Sunday Bully Pulpit.

This week: God. And DOG. In pictures. Gospel or Gossip? You decide.

♫I look up…

Will I see…☝

I look down and see

ThatOne bulldog

Simple spelling G-O-D
That spelled backward–  D-O-G
They both stay with me all day
I’m the one who walks away
Yet both of them they wait for me
And dance at my return with glee.
Both love me no matter what

God, Devine.  That’s canine butt
When I fail or I get stumped
God forgives– That shakes his rump
God’s love conspired to make That dog

Dog reflects That’s love from God
I see love from both sides now
Head Heart Hands raise

Bow… Wow– God and doG | Wendy Francisco |
Goodwill Energies I direct
Toward each and every one of you
Each and everyday

“And there came to be evening, and there came to be morning…”

That’s Life today.

READ Across America Day

In Books, bulldogs, Children's Literacy, K-12 Education, ThatOne WORD, Thats' Life on March 2, 2011 at 12:43 AM


may come in like a lion but March also kicks off with an important program that takes place in schools, libraries and bookstores all across the nation. The event, usually scheduled around or on Dr. Seuss’s (aka Theodore Geisel) birthday (March 2nd), is Read Across America Day and it is the largest annual, nationally recognized reading event.

The National Education Association’s goal is to build a nation of readers through its signature program Read Across America, now in its thirteenth year. This year-round program focuses on motivating children and teens to read. On March 2, the National Education Association (NEA) is calling for every child to read in the company of a caring adult. Or WORD Dog.

Invite guest readers to your school, encourage  your parents to participate and even get their colleagues and your community excited about Read Across America Day. Send an animated Read Across America e-card created especially for NEA by Reading Rockets, a literacy partner this year.

For more information and resources just click on WORD Dog here:


Goodwill Energies I direct
Toward each and every one of you
Each and every day

❝And there came to be evening and there came to be morning…❞

That’s life today!

♫I Wish It Was Christmas Today!

In Animals and Pets, bulldogs, Children's Literacy, Christmas, English bulldogs, Humor, K-12 Education, Music, Popular Culture, Television on November 27, 2010 at 9:19 PM

♫”I don’t care what your momma says-
Christmas time is nee-ear!
I don’t care what your daddy says-
Christmas time is dee-ear!”

All I know is that Santa’s sleigh
Is making its way to the U. S. A.!

♫I don’t care what the mayor says-
Christmas is full of chee-eer!
I don’t care if you think it’s a lie-

Christmas will be soon be hee-ere!
I don’t care about the C. I. A.-

I don’t care what the calendars say!

I wish it was Christmas todaa-ay!
I wish it was Christmas todaa-ay!”
Goodwill Energies I direct
Toward each and every one of you
Each and every day!

“And there came to be evening and there came to be morning…”

That’s life today!